A superior blend of imported Scotch whisky and locally grown grain, this distinctive whisky has redefined the way Indian consumers approach IMFL. Premier Green Innovations has been manufacturing and bottling Signature Rare Whisky under a TMU licence from Diageo since 2017
A clean and malty blend of imported scotch and locally sourced grain, this is an original formulation by master blender Caroline Martin. Premier Green Innovations has been manufacturing and bottling Signature Premier Whisky under a TMU licence from Diageo since 2017
A brand with a legacy of over 120 years, McDowells today enjoys the loyalty of over 25 Million consumers. Made by blending premium Indian Malts and whisky, it is the largest selling whisky brand in the world (2020). Premier Green Innovations has been manufacturing and bottling McDowells No.1 Whisky under a TMU licence from Diageo since 2017
A perfect blend of Scotch, Indian Malts and locally sourced grain spirits, Royal Challenge one of the fastest growing consumer brands in the country.Premier Green Innovations has been manufacturing and bottling McDowells No.1 Whisky under a TMU licence from Diageo since 2017